templates/home/fiche_vehicule.html.twig line 1

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  614.                     <div id="devisvalid" class="{{devisvalid}}"><h3>Votre devis a Ã©té transmis, après validation<br />Vous le recevrez directement dans votre boite email</h3></div>
  615.                     <div class="nav-top">
  616.                         <div></div>
  617.                         <img src="{{asset('img/icons/zoom-visionbox.png')}}" style="float: right;" id="openPreview">
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  619.                     <div class="preview-image">
  620.                     {% set idximages = 0 %}
  621.                         {% for img in Imagesjson %}
  622.                         <div class="blockimgslid">
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  625.                     {% set idximages = idximages + 1 %}
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  627.                     </div>
  628.                     <div style="display: flex; justify-content:space-around;">
  629.                         {% if 'Location' in vehicule.cat %}
  630.                         <div class="blockprice">
  631.                         <a href="{{ path('home') }}?location&filtre_nom={{ vehicule.getNom }}&catsel" id="showblock" class="btn action voir-detail">Location</a>
  632.                     {% set prxtbl = vehicule.PrixTable|json_decode %}
  633.                         <span class="prx">1 jour {{vehicule.prixLoc}} â‚¬<span class="prxttc"> HT</span></span>
  634.                         <span class="prx">7 jours {{prxtbl[7]}} â‚¬<span class="prxttc"> HT</span></span>
  635.                         <span class="prx">30 jours {{prxtbl[30]}} â‚¬<span class="prxttc"> HT</span></span>
  636.                         <span class="prx prxnbvehic"><span class="prxttc">{{VersionVehicules|length}} véhicule(s) en stock</span></span>
  638.                         </div>
  639.                         {% endif %}
  640.                         {% if 'Occasion' in vehicule.cat or 'Achat' in vehicule.cat %}
  641.                         {% set prxmin = 0 %}
  643.                         <div class="blockprice">
  644.                         <a href="{{ path('home') }}?achat&filtre_nom={{ vehicule.getNom }}&catsel" id="showblock2" class="btn action voir-detail" style="margin-top: 2rem;">Achat</a>
  645.                         {% if vehicule.prix > 0 %}
  646.                         {% set prxmin = vehicule.prix %}
  647.                         {% if 'Achat' in vehicule.cat %}
  648.                         <span class="prx">Neuf {{vehicule.prix}} â‚¬<span class="prxttc"> HT</span></span>
  649.                         {% endif %}
  650.                         {% endif %}
  652.                         {% if vehicule.prixoccas > 0 %}
  653.                         {% set prxmin = vehicule.prixoccas %}
  654.                         {% if 'Occasion' in vehicule.cat %}
  655.                         <span class="prx">Occasion {{vehicule.prixoccas}} â‚¬<span class="prxttc"> HT</span></span>
  656.                         <span class="prx prxnbvehic"><span class="prxttc">{{vehicule.NbOccasion}} véhicule(s) en stock</span></span>
  657.                         {% endif %} 
  658.                         {% endif %} 
  660.                         </div>
  661.                         {% endif %}
  662.                     </div> 
  663.                     <p class="blockpriceprx">Hors Ã©ventuelles remises</p>
  664.                     <div class="box-cart lienimg">
  665.                         <h4 class="title">Photos en situation</h4>
  666.                         <div class="listim content">
  667.                         {% set dexphot = 0 %}
  668.                             {% for Photos in vehicule.getPhotos|json_decode %}
  669.                             <div class="">
  670.                             <div class="image-wrapper">
  671.                             <img src="/uploads/images/optimise/{{Photos.Name}}" onclick="openPhotoSwipes({{dexphot}}, photocov)" alt="" class="" > 
  672.                             </div>
  673.                             </div>
  674.                             {% set dexphot = dexphot + 1 %}
  675.                             {% endfor %}
  676.                         </div>  
  677.                         <div id="photocov">
  678.                             {% for Photos in vehicule.getPhotos|json_decode %} 
  679.                             <img src="/uploads/images/optimise/{{Photos.Name}}" alt="" class="" >  
  680.                             {% endfor %}
  681.                         </div>  
  682.                     </div>
  683.                     <div class="box-cart">
  684.                         <h4 class="title">Dossier technique</h4>
  685.                         <div class="content"> 
  686.                             <ul>
  687.                                 {% for media in vehicule.getMedias|json_decode %}
  688.                                 <li>
  689.                                     <a href="{{asset('uploads/images/'~media.ImgFile)}}">{{ media.Name }}</a>
  690.                                 </li>
  691.                                 {% endfor %}
  692.                             </ul>
  693.                         </div>
  694.                     </div>
  695.                     <div class="box-cart">
  696.                         <h4 class="title">FAQ et conseils</h4>
  697.                         <div class="content faq" id="accordion"> 
  698.                             {% for faq in Faqs %}
  699.                             <div class="card">
  700.                                 <div class="card-header" id="faqHeading-{{ loop.index }}">
  701.                                     <div class="mb-0">
  702.                                         <h5 class="faq-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faqCollapse-{{ loop.index }}" data-aria-expanded="{% if loop.index == 1 %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}" data-aria-controls="faqCollapse-{{ loop.index }}">
  703.                                             <span class="badge">{{ loop.index }}</span>{{ faq.Titre | raw }}
  704.                                         </h5>
  705.                                     </div>
  706.                                 </div>
  707.                                 <div id="faqCollapse-{{ loop.index }}" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="faqHeading-{{ loop.index }}" data-parent="#accordion">
  708.                                     <div class="card-body">
  709.                                         {{ faq.Detail | raw }}
  710.                                     </div>
  711.                                 </div>
  712.                             </div>
  713.                             {% endfor %}
  714.                         </div>
  715.                     </div>
  716.                 </div>
  717.                 <div class="wrap-infos col-md-6">
  718.                     <h1 class="title-product">
  719.                         {{ vehicule.getNom }}
  720.                     </h1> 
  721.                     <div class="descr">
  722.                             {{ vehicule.getBlocText | raw }}
  723.                         </div> 
  724.                         {% for caractli in caractlistesArray %}
  725.                         {% if caractli.caractvehicule.getType == "Accordeon" %}
  726.                         {% set nameaccord = caractli.caractvehicule.getName %}
  727.                         {% set isused = false %}
  728.                                     {% for caractliste in caractlistesArray %}
  729.                                     {% if caractliste.caractvehicule.getType == nameaccord %}
  730.                                         {% set isused = true %}
  731.                                         {% endif %}
  732.                                     {% endfor %}
  733.                                     {% if isused == true %}
  735.                           <div class="caracdeon">
  736.                               <h5 onclick="caracdeon(this)">{{caractli.caractvehicule.getName}}</h5>
  738.                             <div class="caract">
  739.                                 <ul>
  740.                                     {% for caractliste in caractlistesArray %}
  741.                                     {% if caractliste.caractvehicule.getType == nameaccord %}
  743.                                         <li>
  744.                                             <b>{{ caractliste.caractvehicule.getName }} :</b> {{ caractliste.value }}
  745.                                         </li>
  746.                                         {% endif %}
  747.                                     {% endfor %}
  748.                                 </ul>
  749.                             </div> 
  750.                           </div>
  752.                                     {% endif %}
  754. {% endif %}
  755.                         {% endfor %}
  757.                             <div class="caract">
  758.                                 <ul>
  759.                                     {% for caractliste in caractlistesArray %}
  760.                                     {% if caractliste.caractvehicule.getType == '' %}
  762.                                         <li>
  763.                                             <b>{{ caractliste.caractvehicule.getName }} :</b> {{ caractliste.value }}
  764.                                         </li>
  765.                                         {% endif %}
  766.                                     {% endfor %}
  767.                                 </ul>
  768.                             </div> 
  769. <br />    
  770. <br />
  771.     <div class="shareblock">
  772.     <span>Partagez :</span>
  773.     {% set currentPath = absolute_url( path(app.request.attributes.get('_route'),
  774.                        app.request.attributes.get('_route_params')) )  %}
  776. <!-- Facebook -->
  777.        <a target="_blank" title="Facebook" href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u={{currentPath}}" rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:window.open(this.href, '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=700');return false;"><img class="iconshare" src="{{asset('/img/logo-fb-black.svg')}}" alt="Facebook" /></a>
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  780.         <a target="_blank" title="Twitter" href="https://twitter.com/share?url={{currentPath}}" rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:window.open(this.href, '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=400,width=700');return false;"><img class="iconshare" src="{{asset('/img/logo-twitter-black.svg')}}" alt="Twitter" /></a>
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  791.     <div class="details-wrapper">
  794.     <div id="findevis" style="text-align: center;width: 100% !important;margin-left: 0 !important;"></div>
  795.         <!-- style="background: #f7f8f9;padding-top: 9rem;" -->
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  797.             <div class="nav-stape">
  798.                 <div class="content">
  799.                     <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="prev" class="prev btn-nav btn">Précédent</a>
  800.                     <span class="value" id="etapenb"> 
  801.                         Etape 1/4
  802.                     </span>
  803.                     <span class="value" id="prixTotal"> 
  804.                         HT : {{ vehicule.getPrixLoc|default(0) }} â‚¬  
  805.                     </span>
  806.                     <span class="value" id="prixTotalTTC">
  807.                     {% set prxttc = vehicule.getPrixLoc|default(0) + ((vehicule.getPrixLoc|default(0) * 20) / 100) %}
  808.                         TTC : {{ prxttc|number_format(2) }} â‚¬
  809.                     </span>
  810.                     <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="next" class="next btn-nav btn">Suivant</a>
  811.                 </div>
  812.             </div>
  813.         </div> -->
  814.         <input type="hidden" name="prixVehicule" id="prixVehicule" value="{{ vehicule.getPrixLoc|default(0) }}">
  815.         <input type="hidden" name="prixTable" id="prixTable" value="{{ vehicule.getPrixTable }}">
  816.         <input type="hidden" name="prixmoisplus" id="prixmoisplus" value="{{ vehicule.getPrixmoisplus|default(0) }}">
  817.         {% set carac = vehicule.Caractliste %}
  818.         <input type="hidden" name="caractliste" id="caractliste" value="{{ carac }}"> 
  819.     </div>
  820.     <!-- Root element of PhotoSwipe. Must have class pswp. -->
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  822.         <!-- Background of PhotoSwipe. 
  823.             It's a separate element as animating opacity is faster than rgba(). -->
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  827.             <!-- Container that holds slides. 
  828.                 PhotoSwipe keeps only 3 of them in the DOM to save memory.
  829.                 Don't modify these 3 pswp__item elements, data is added later on. -->
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  867.     {% set firstimg = '' %}
  868.     {% set isfirstimg = 0 %}
  869.     {% for img in vehicule.getImg %} 
  870.         {% if isfirstimg == 0 %}
  871.         {% set firstimg = img.getImgFile %}    
  872.     {% set isfirstimg = 1 %}    
  873.         {% endif %}         
  874.                         {% endfor %}  
  875.     <input type="hidden" id="jsondata" value='[{"id":{{ vehicule.getId }},"nb":0,"name":"{{ vehicule.getNom }}","ImgFile":"{{ firstimg }}","datedeb":"","datefin":"","nbjours":0,"service":"Location","soustot":0,"equip":[],"cover":[],"origine":"{{ vehicule.origine }}"}]'>
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  883.         </div>
  884.     </div>
  885.     <div id="titleproduct">{{vehicule.getNom}}</div>
  886.     <div id="localock">{{ LocationLockjson }}</div>
  887. {% endblock %}
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  908.         var d = date
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  911.          let day = '' + d.getDate()
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  997.                 toastr.error("Attention ! Vous devez d'abord sélectionner vos dates ou une durée de location");
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  1006.                     toastr.error("Attention ! Vous avez déjà atteint le nombre maximum pour ce type d'option");
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  1039.                 toastr.error("Attention ! Vous devez d'abord sélectionner vos dates ou une durée de location");
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  1043.                 toastr.error("Attention ! Vous avez déjà atteint le nombre maximum pour ce type d'option");
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  1047.                     toastr.error("Attention ! Vous avez déjà atteint le nombre maximum pour ce type d'option");
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  1119.                     $("#"+end_date).addClass('end');
  1120.                     $('#nbJours').val(datediff($('#start_date').text(), $('#end_date').text()));
  1121.                 }
  1122.                 else{
  1123.                     $('#nbJours').val(0);
  1124.                     $('#end_date').text("--/--/---");
  1125.                 }
  1127. let jsondatas = $('#jsondata').val()
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  1131.                     start_date_day = parseInt($("#"+start_date).data('day'));
  1132.                     if(start_date_day<10)
  1133.                         start_date_day = "0"+start_date_day;
  1134.                     start_date_month = parseInt($("#"+start_date).data('month'))+1;
  1135.                     if(start_date_month<10)
  1136.                         start_date_month = "0"+start_date_month;
  1137.                     start_date_string = $("#"+start_date).data('year')+"-"+start_date_month+"-"+start_date_day;
  1138.                     end_date_day = parseInt($("#"+end_date).data('day'));
  1139.                     if(end_date_day<10)
  1140.                         end_date_day = "0"+end_date_day;
  1141.                     end_date_month = parseInt($("#"+end_date).data('month'))+1;
  1142.                     if(end_date_month<10)
  1143.                         end_date_month = "0"+end_date_month;
  1144.                     end_date_string = $("#"+end_date).data('year')+"-"+end_date_month+"-"+end_date_day;
  1145.                     start_date_string = $("#"+start_date).data('year')+"-"+start_date_month+"-"+start_date_day;
  1146.                     end_date_string = $("#"+end_date).data('year')+"-"+end_date_month+"-"+end_date_day;
  1147.                     dates = enumerateDaysBetweenDates(start_date_string,end_date_string);
  1148.                     for (let i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) {
  1149.                         $('#'+dates[i].getFullYear()+"-"+(dates[i].getMonth())+"-"+dates[i].getDate()).addClass('active');
  1150.                     }
  1152.                 jsondata[0].datedeb = start_date_string
  1153.                 jsondata[0].datefin = end_date_string
  1154.                 jsondata[0].nbjours = datediff( $('#start_date').text(), $('#end_date').text() )
  1155.                 jsondata[0].soustot = $('#nb_vehicules').val() 
  1156.                 //add dimentions véhicule
  1157.                 jsondata[0].dimentions = $('#caractliste').val() 
  1158.                 }
  1161. let jsondatastring = JSON.stringify( jsondata )
  1162.   $('#jsondata').val(jsondatastring) 
  1163.                 let id_vehicule = {{ vehicule.getId }} 
  1164.             let Nb_max = {{ vehicule.nbVehicules }} 
  1165.             let locationlock = $('#localock').text() 
  1166.             locationlock = JSON.parse(locationlock)
  1167.             for (let index = ( locationlock.length -1 ); index >= 0 ; index--) { 
  1168.                 const element = locationlock[index]; 
  1169.                 if( element.VehicId != id_vehicule ){ 
  1170.                     locationlock.splice(index, 1) 
  1171.                 }
  1172.             }  
  1173.         let disp_max = Nb_max
  1174.         dates = []
  1176.              if( typeof(start_date_string) !== 'undefined' && typeof(end_date_string) !== 'undefined' ){ 
  1177.                  dates = getDates(start_date_string,end_date_string);
  1178.              }
  1180.                 dates.forEach(element => {
  1182.                      let nb_dispo = Nb_max
  1184.                     for (let index = 0; index < locationlock.length; index++) {  
  1185.                         let deb_date = new Date( locationlock[index].DateDeb.timestamp * 1000 )
  1186.                         let fin_date = new Date( locationlock[index].DateFin.timestamp * 1000 )
  1187.                         if( new Date( deb_date ) <= new Date(element) && new Date( fin_date ) >= new Date(element) ){ 
  1188.                             nb_dispo = nb_dispo - locationlock[index].Nbsel
  1189.                         }                         
  1190.                     } 
  1191.                     if( disp_max >= nb_dispo){
  1192.                         disp_max = nb_dispo
  1193.                     }
  1195.                 });
  1196.             $('#nb_vehicules').empty();
  1198.             if( disp_max > 0){
  1199.                 for (let index = 1; index <= disp_max; index++) {
  1200.                  var option = document.createElement('option');
  1201.                     option.text = option.value = index;
  1202.                     document.getElementById("nb_vehicules").add(option, 0);
  1203.             } 
  1204.             } 
  1208.                 MiseAJourPrix();
  1209.             });*/
  1210.             function getDates(startDate, stopDate) {
  1211.     var dateArray = [];
  1212.     var currentDate = moment(startDate);
  1213.     var stopDate = moment(stopDate);
  1214.     while (currentDate <= stopDate) {
  1215.         dateArray.push( moment(currentDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD') )
  1216.         currentDate = moment(currentDate).add(1, 'days');
  1217.     }
  1218.     return dateArray;
  1219. }
  1220.             $(document).on('change','#nbJours', function() {
  1221.                 if(start_date!=0){
  1222.                     $('.select-date').removeClass('active');
  1223.                     $('.select-date').removeClass('start');
  1224.                     $('.select-date').removeClass('end');
  1225.                     start_date_day = parseInt($("#"+start_date).data('day'));
  1226.                     if(start_date_day<10)
  1227.                         start_date_day = "0"+start_date_day;
  1228.                     start_date_month = parseInt($("#"+start_date).data('month'))+1;
  1229.                     if(start_date_month<10)
  1230.                         start_date_month = "0"+start_date_month;
  1231.                     start_date_string = $("#"+start_date).data('year')+"-"+start_date_month+"-"+start_date_day;
  1232.                     $('#start_date').text(start_date_day+"/"+start_date_month+"/"+$("#"+start_date).data('year'));
  1233.                     $("#"+start_date).addClass('active');
  1234.                     $("#"+start_date).addClass('start'); 
  1235.                     nbJours = parseInt($('#nbJours').val())||0;
  1236.                     if(nbJours<0){
  1237.                         nbJours = 0;
  1238.                     }
  1239.                     if(nbJours>0){
  1240.                         nbJours--;
  1241.                     }
  1242.                     end_date = moment(start_date_string).add(nbJours,'days');
  1243.                     end_date_day = parseInt(end_date.format('D'));
  1244.                     end_date_month = (parseInt(end_date.format('M'))||0)-1;
  1245.                      end_date_year = end_date.format('YYYY')
  1246.                     end_date = end_date.format('YYYY')+'-'+end_date_month+'-'+end_date.format('D');
  1248.                     end_date_day = end_date_day;
  1249.                     if(end_date_day<10)
  1250.                         end_date_day = "0"+end_date_day; 
  1251.                     if(end_date_month<10)
  1252.                         end_date_month = "0"+end_date_month;
  1253.                     end_date_string = end_date_year+"-"+(end_date_month +1 )+"-"+end_date_day;
  1254.                 /*    end_date_day = parseInt($("#"+end_date).data('day'));
  1255.                     if(end_date_day<10)
  1256.                         end_date_day = "0"+end_date_day;
  1257.                     end_date_month = parseInt($("#"+end_date).data('month'))+1;
  1258.                     if(end_date_month<10)
  1259.                         end_date_month = "0"+end_date_month;
  1260.                     end_date_string = $("#"+end_date).data('year')+"-"+end_date_month+"-"+end_date_day;*/
  1262.                     $('#end_date').text(end_date_day+"/"+(end_date_month +1 )+"/"+end_date_year);
  1263.                     $("#"+end_date).addClass('active');
  1264.                     $("#"+end_date).addClass('end');
  1265.                     dates = enumerateDaysBetweenDates(start_date_string,end_date_string); 
  1266.                     for (let i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) {
  1267.                         $('#'+dates[i].getFullYear()+"-"+(dates[i].getMonth())+"-"+dates[i].getDate()).addClass('active');
  1268.                     }
  1269.                 }
  1270.                 else{
  1271.                     let jsondatas = $('#jsondata').val()
  1272.     jsondata = JSON.parse(jsondatas);
  1273.                   jsondata[0].datedeb = ''
  1274.                 jsondata[0].datefin = ''
  1275.                 jsondata[0].nbjours = $('#nbJours').val()  
  1277. let jsondatastring = JSON.stringify( jsondata )
  1278.   $('#jsondata').val(jsondatastring) 
  1279.                 //    console.log( $(this).val() );
  1280.                 }
  1282.                 MiseAJourPrix();
  1283.             });
  1284.         if($('.devisvalid').length > 0){
  1285.             setTimeout(() => {
  1286.                 $('#devisvalid').removeClass('devisvalid');
  1287.                 $('#devisvalid').addClass('devisvalid_hide'); 
  1288.                 document.cookie = "devis_page_{{ vehicule.getId }}=-1 ; path=/";
  1289.                 document.cookie = "validevis_page_{{ vehicule.getId }}=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;";
  1290.             }, 5000);
  1291.         }
  1292.         });
  1293.         $('.voir-detail').click(function(){
  1294.             //    $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:($(".details-wrapper").offset().top)}, 800);
  1295.             $('.body-container').hide()
  1296.             $('.details-wrapper').show()
  1297.             $('.nav-stape').show()
  1299.         });
  1300.     /*    $('.prev').click(function(){
  1301.             //    $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:($(".details-wrapper").offset().top)}, 800);
  1302.             $('.body-container').show()
  1303.             $('.nav-stape').hide()
  1304.             $('.details-wrapper').hide()
  1305.         });*/
  1306.         function getAllEvents(element) {
  1307.             var result = [];
  1308.             for (var key in element) {
  1309.                 if (key.indexOf('on') === 0) {
  1310.                     result.push(key.slice(2));
  1311.                 }
  1312.             }
  1313.             return result.join(' ');
  1314.         }
  1315. /*
  1316.         var el = $('input').bind(getAllEvents($('input')[0]), function(e) {
  1317.             MiseAJourPrix();
  1318.         });
  1319.         var el = $('select').bind(getAllEvents($('select')[0]), function(e) {
  1320.             MiseAJourPrix();
  1321.         });
  1322.         var el = $('.minus').bind(getAllEvents($('.minus')[0]), function(e) {
  1323.             MiseAJourPrix();
  1324.         });
  1325.         var el = $('.plus').bind(getAllEvents($('.plus')[0]), function(e) {
  1326.             MiseAJourPrix();
  1327.         });
  1328.         var el = $('.select-date').bind(getAllEvents($('.select-date')[0]), function(e) {
  1329.             MiseAJourPrix();
  1330.         });
  1331.         var el = $('.nbequ').bind(getAllEvents($('.nbequ')[0]), function(e) {
  1332.             $val = parseInt($(this).val()) || 0;
  1333.             nbmax = parseInt($(this).parents('.detailequip').data('nbmax'));
  1334.                 nbmax = nbmax - parseInt($(this).parents('.detailequip').find('.nbsel').val());
  1336.                 let Maxpv = parseInt($(this).parents('.detailequip').data('maxpv')); 
  1337.             let nbve = Maxpv * parseInt($(this).parents('.detailequip').find('.nbvehicsel').val());
  1338.             if($val<0){
  1339.                 $val = 0;
  1340.                 $(this).val($val);
  1341.             }
  1342.             if( $('#nbJours').val() == 0){
  1343.                 $val = 0;
  1344.                 toastr.error("Attention ! Vous devez d'abord sélectionner vos dates ou une durée de location");
  1345.             }else if ($val>nbve) {
  1346.                 $(this).val(nbve);
  1347.                 $val = nbve;
  1348.                 toastr.error("Attention ! Vous avez déjà atteint le nombre maximum pour ce type d'option");
  1349.             }else if ($val>nbmax) {
  1350.                 $(this).val(nbmax);
  1351.                 $val = nbmax;
  1352.                 toastr.error("Attention ! Vous avez déjà atteint le nombre maximum pour ce type d'option");
  1353.             } else {
  1354.                 $(this).val($val);
  1355.             }
  1356.             if($val==0){
  1357.                 $(this).parents('.detailequip').find('.prix').addClass('opaclair');
  1358.             }
  1359.             else{
  1360.                 $(this).parents('.detailequip').find('.prix').removeClass('opaclair');
  1361.             }
  1362.             MiseAJourPrix();
  1363.         });*/
  1364.     /*    function MiseAJourPrix(){
  1365.             let nbvehicule = parseInt($('#nb_vehicules').val()) || 0;
  1366.         //    let nbjours = datediff($('#start_date').text(), $('#end_date').text())
  1367.             let nbjours = $('#nbJours').val()
  1368.             let prixObject = calculPrixTotal();
  1369.             try {
  1370.                 var PrixTable =  JSON.parse( $("#prixTable").val() )
  1371.             } catch (error) {
  1372.                 var PrixTable =  $("#prixTable").val()
  1373.             }
  1374.             let prixmoisplus = parseFloat($('#prixmoisplus').val()) || 0;
  1375.             let prixLocation = 0; 
  1376.             if(PrixTable !== null){
  1377.                 if( nbjours >= 31 ){
  1378.                     let nbrestant = nbjours - 30
  1379.                     let prixunitsupp = prixmoisplus
  1380.                     prixLocation = ( (parseInt( PrixTable[30] , 10)|| 0) + ( prixunitsupp * nbrestant ) ) * nbvehicule ; 
  1382.                 }
  1383.                 else{
  1384.                     prixLocation = (parseFloat(PrixTable[nbjours])||0)  * nbvehicule
  1386.                 }
  1387.             }
  1389. let jsondatas = $('#jsondata').val()
  1390.     jsondata = JSON.parse(jsondatas);
  1394.                 jsondata[0].nbjours = $('#nbJours').val() 
  1395.                 //add dimentions véhicule
  1396.                 jsondata[0].dimentions = $('#caractliste').val() 
  1397.                 jsondata[0].soustot = prixLocation
  1398.                 jsondata[0].nb = parseInt($('#nb_vehicules').val()) || 0;
  1401. let jsondatastring = JSON.stringify( jsondata )
  1402.   $('#jsondata').val(jsondatastring) 
  1403.   let prxttc =  (prixObject.prix + prixLocation) + (((prixObject.prix + prixLocation) * 20) / 100) 
  1404.             $('#prixTotal').html('HT : '+(prixObject.prix + prixLocation)+' â‚¬');
  1405.             $('#prixTotalTTC').html('TTC : ' + prxttc.toFixed(2) +' â‚¬');
  1406.             $('#prixLocationttc').html( calcttc(prixLocation) + ' â‚¬ TTC');
  1407.             $('#prixLocation').html(prixLocation+' â‚¬ HT');
  1408.             $('#prixCovering').html(prixObject.prixCovering+' â‚¬ HT');
  1409.             $('#prixCoveringttc').html( calcttc(prixObject.prixCovering )+' â‚¬ TTC');
  1410.             $('#prixEquipement').html(prixObject.prixEquipement+' â‚¬ HT');
  1411.             $('#prixEquipementttc').html( calcttc(prixObject.prixEquipement )+' â‚¬ TTC');
  1412.         }
  1413.         function calculPrixTotal(){
  1414.             let nbvehicule = parseInt($('#nb_vehicules').val()) || 0;
  1415.             $('.nbvehicsel').val(nbvehicule)
  1416.             let nbjours = parseInt($('#nbJours').val())||0;
  1417.             let start_date = $('#start_date').text()
  1418.             start_date = start_date.split('/');
  1419.             start_date = start_date[2] +'-'+ start_date[1] +'-'+start_date[0]
  1420.             start_date = new Date(  start_date )
  1421.             let end_date = $('#end_date').text()
  1422.             end_date = end_date.split('/');
  1423.             end_date = end_date[2] +'-'+ end_date[1] +'-'+end_date[0]
  1424.             end_date = new Date(  end_date )
  1425.             prixObject = { prix:0, prix0:0, prixCovering:0, prixEquipement:0 }
  1427. let jsondata = $('#jsondata').val()
  1428.     jsondata = JSON.parse(jsondata);     
  1429.             for (var i = 0 ; i < $('.detailequip').length ; i++) {
  1430.                 value = $('.detailequip')[i];
  1432.                 let prix = 0
  1433.                 let prix0 = 0
  1434.                 let prixmoisplus = parseFloat($(value).data('prixmoisplus')) || 0;
  1435.                 let prixmois = parseFloat($(value).data('prixmois')) || 0;
  1436.                 let prixUn;
  1437.                 let localock = JSON.parse( $('#localock').text())
  1438.                 let nbsel = 0
  1439.                 localock.forEach(element => {
  1440.                     if( element.vehictrue == false){
  1441.                         if(  element.OptionId == $(value).data('idoption')){
  1442.                             let DateDeb = new Date( element.DateDeb.timestamp * 1000 ) 
  1443.                             let DateFin = new Date( element.DateFin.timestamp * 1000 )
  1444.                             if( start_date <= DateFin && end_date >= DateDeb){ 
  1445.                             nbsel = nbsel + parseInt( element.Nbsel )
  1446.                             } 
  1448.                         }
  1449.                     }
  1452.                 }); 
  1453.                 $(value).find('.nbsel').val(nbsel)
  1454.                 //$(value).attr( "data-nbsel", nbsel)
  1456.                 if ($(value).data('typeprix') == 'Variable') {
  1457.                     let nbchoisi = parseInt($(value).find('.nbequ').val()) || 0;
  1458.                     if(nbchoisi<0){
  1459.                         nbchoisi = 0;
  1460.                     }
  1462.                     try {
  1463.                         var PrixTable =  JSON.parse( $(value).data('prixtable') )
  1464.                     } catch (error) {
  1465.                         var PrixTable =  $(value).data('prixtable')
  1466.                     }
  1467.                     if(PrixTable !== null){
  1468.                         if( nbjours >= 31 ){
  1469.                             let nbrestant = nbjours - 30
  1470.                             let prixunitsupp = prixmoisplus
  1471.                             prix = ( (parseInt( PrixTable[30] , 10)|| 0) + ( prixunitsupp * nbrestant ) ) * nbchoisi ; 
  1472.                             prix0 = ( (parseInt( PrixTable[30] , 10)|| 0) + ( prixunitsupp * nbrestant ) ) * nbchoisi ; 
  1473.                             prixUn = ( (parseInt( PrixTable[30] , 10)|| 0) + ( prixunitsupp * nbrestant ) );
  1475.                         }
  1476.                         else{
  1477.                             prix = (parseFloat(PrixTable[nbjours])||0)  * nbchoisi
  1478.                             prix0 =  (parseFloat(PrixTable[nbjours])||0) * nbchoisi 
  1479.                             prixUn = (parseFloat(PrixTable[nbjours])||0) ;
  1480.                         }
  1481.                     }
  1482.                     if(nbchoisi>0){
  1483.                         $(value).find('.prix').html(prix+" â‚¬");
  1484.                     }
  1485.                     else{
  1486.                         $(value).find('.prix').html(prixUn+" â‚¬");
  1487.                     }
  1488.                 }
  1489.                 else if ($(value).data('typeprix') == 'Fixe par véhicule') {
  1491.                     let nbchoisi = parseInt($(value).find('.nbequ').val()) || 0;
  1492.                     if(nbchoisi<0){
  1493.                         nbchoisi = 0;
  1494.                     }
  1495.                     let prixunit = parseFloat($(value).data('prix')) || 0;
  1496.                     prix = parseInt( nbchoisi, 10) *  prixunit  ;
  1497.                     prix0 = prixunit ;
  1498.                     if(nbchoisi>0){
  1499.                         $(value).find('.prix').html(prix+" â‚¬");
  1500.                     }
  1501.                     else{
  1502.                         $(value).find('.prix').html(prix0+" â‚¬");
  1503.                     }
  1504.                 }
  1505.                 else if ($(value).data('typeprix') == 'base + fixe par vehicule') {
  1507.                     let nbchoisi = parseInt($(value).find('.nbequ').val()) || 0;
  1508.                     if(nbchoisi<0){
  1509.                         nbchoisi = 0;
  1510.                     }
  1511.                     let prixunit = parseFloat($(value).data('prix')) || 0;
  1512.                     let prxbase = parseFloat($(value).data('prixmoisplus')) || 0;
  1513.                     prix = parseInt( nbchoisi, 10) *  prixunit  ;
  1514.                     prix = prix + prxbase
  1515.                     prix0 = prixunit + prxbase;
  1516.                     if(nbchoisi>0){
  1517.                         $(value).find('.prix').html(prix+" â‚¬");
  1518.                     }
  1519.                     else{
  1520.                         $(value).find('.prix').html(prix0+" â‚¬");
  1521.                     }
  1522.                 }
  1523.                 else {
  1524.                     let nbchoisi = 0;
  1525.                     if($(value).find('.chkbx').is(':checked')){
  1526.                         nbchoisi = 1;
  1527.                     }
  1528.                     let prixunit = parseFloat($(value).data('prix')) || 0;
  1529.                     prix =  nbchoisi * prixunit  ;
  1530.                     prix0 =  prixunit  ;
  1531.                     if($(value).find('.chkbx').is(':checked')){
  1532.                         $(value).find('.prix').html(prix+" â‚¬");
  1533.                     }
  1534.                     else{
  1535.                         $(value).find('.prix').html(prix0+" â‚¬");
  1536.                     }
  1537.                 }
  1540.                 //type
  1541.                 //nbchois
  1542.                 prixObject.prix = prixObject.prix + prix
  1543.                 prixObject.prix0 = prixObject.prix0 + prix0
  1544.                 let nbch = 0
  1545.                 if($(value).find('.chkbx').is(':checked') ){
  1546.                     nbch = 1
  1547.                 }
  1548.                 if( parseInt($(value).find('.nbequ').val()) > 0){
  1549.                     nbch = parseInt($(value).find('.nbequ').val())
  1550.                 }
  1551.                 let detequ = {
  1552.                     name: $(value).data('name'),
  1553.                     nbmax:null,
  1554.                     TypePrix: $(value).data('typeprix'),
  1555.                     PrixTable:  $(value).data('prixtable'),
  1556.                     Prixmoisplus: parseFloat($(value).data('prixmois')),
  1557.                     prix: $(value).data('prix'),
  1558.                     id: $(value).data('idoption'),
  1559.                     texte:null,
  1560.                     img:[],
  1561.                     modal:{'display':'none'},
  1562.                     nbchoisi: nbch
  1563.                     }
  1566.                 if($(value).data('option')=="covering"){
  1567.                     prixObject.prixCovering = prixObject.prixCovering + prix
  1568.                     let coverex = -1
  1569.                         for (let index = 0; index < jsondata[0].cover.length; index++) {
  1570.                             if( jsondata[0].cover[index].id == $(value).data('idoption') ){
  1571.                                 jsondata[0].cover[index] = detequ
  1572.                                 coverex = index
  1573.                             } 
  1574.                         }
  1575.                     if(nbch > 0){
  1577.                         if( coverex == -1 ){
  1578.                             jsondata[0].cover.push(detequ)
  1579.                         }else{
  1580.                             jsondata[0].cover[coverex] = detequ
  1581.                         }
  1582.                     }else{
  1583.                         if( coverex >= 0){
  1584.                         jsondata[0].cover.splice( coverex , 1)
  1585.                         }
  1586.                     } 
  1587.                 }
  1588.                 else{
  1589.                     prixObject.prixEquipement = prixObject.prixEquipement + prix
  1590.                     let equipex = -1
  1591.                         for (let index = 0; index < jsondata[0].equip.length; index++) {
  1592.                             if( jsondata[0].equip[index].id == $(value).data('idoption') ){
  1593.                                 jsondata[0].equip[index] = detequ
  1594.                                 equipex = index
  1595.                             } 
  1596.                         }
  1597.                     if(nbch > 0){
  1599.                         if( equipex == -1 ){
  1600.                             jsondata[0].equip.push(detequ)
  1601.                         }else{
  1602.                             jsondata[0].equip[equipex] = detequ
  1603.                         }
  1604.                     }else{
  1605.                         if( equipex >= 0){
  1606.                         jsondata[0].equip.splice( equipex , 1)
  1607.                         }
  1608.                     }
  1609.                 }
  1611.             }
  1614. let jsondatastring = JSON.stringify( jsondata )
  1615. $('#jsondata').val(jsondatastring) 
  1616.             return prixObject;
  1618.         }
  1619.         function datediff(first, second) {
  1620.             first = moment(first, "DD/MM/YYYY");
  1621.             second = moment(second, "DD/MM/YYYY");
  1622.             days = parseInt(second.diff(first, 'days')) || 0;
  1623.             return days+1;
  1624.         }
  1625.         function enumerateDaysBetweenDates(startDate, endDate) {
  1626.             var dates = [];
  1627.             var currDate = moment(startDate).startOf('day');
  1628.             var lastDate = moment(endDate).startOf('day');
  1629.             while(currDate.add(1, 'days').diff(lastDate) < 0) {
  1630.                 dates.push(currDate.clone().toDate());
  1631.             }
  1632.             return dates;
  1633.         }*/
  1634.             //        openPhotoSwipes(0, photocov);
  1635.             let photocov = $('#photocov').slick({
  1636.                     dots: true,
  1637.                     infinite: true,
  1638.                     speed: 500,
  1639.                     fade: true,
  1640.                     cssEase: 'linear'
  1641.                 }); 
  1643.         function parseThumbnailElementss(el) {
  1644.                     var data = [];
  1645.                     el.find(  'img:not(.slick-cloned)').each(function() {
  1647.                         var img = this;
  1648.                         data.push({
  1649.                             el: img,
  1650.                             src: img.src,
  1651.                             msrc: img.src,
  1652.                             w: img.naturalWidth,
  1653.                             h: img.naturalHeight
  1654.                         });
  1655.                     });
  1656.                     return data;
  1657.                 };
  1658.         function openPhotoSwipes(index, $gallery) {
  1659.                     if (isNaN(parseInt(index, 10))) { return; }
  1661.                  slickInstance = $('#photocov')
  1662.                     var pswpElement = $('.pswp')[0];
  1663.                     var gallery;
  1664.                     var items = parseThumbnailElementss($gallery);
  1665.                     // define options (if needed)
  1666.                     var options = {
  1667.                         galleryUID: $gallery.attr('data-pswp-uid'),
  1668.                         getThumbBoundsFn: function(index) {
  1669.                             // See Options->getThumbBoundsFn section of docs for more info
  1670.                             var thumbnail = items[index].el,
  1671.                                 pageYScroll = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop,
  1672.                                 rect = thumbnail.getBoundingClientRect();
  1673.                             return {
  1674.                                 x: rect.left,
  1675.                                 y: rect.top + pageYScroll,
  1676.                                 w: rect.width
  1677.                             };
  1678.                         }
  1679.                     };
  1680.                     options.index = parseInt(index, 10);
  1681.                     options.fullscreenEl = false;
  1682.                     // Pass data to PhotoSwipe and initialize it
  1683.                     gallery = new PhotoSwipe(pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, items, options);
  1684.                     gallery.listen('beforeChange', function() {
  1685.                         var slideItem = $(gallery.currItem.el);
  1686.                         var currentIndex = slideItem.index() - (slideItem.siblings('.slick-slide.slick-cloned').length / 2);
  1687.                         if (slickInstance) {
  1688.                             slickInstance.slick('slickGoTo', currentIndex);
  1689.                         }
  1690.                     });
  1691.                     gallery.init();
  1692.                 };
  1693.         function SlickZoom(options) {
  1694.             options = options || {};
  1695.             if (!(options.selector && options.item)) {
  1696.                 return console.error('selector and item required');
  1697.             }
  1698.             $(options.selector).each(function(i) {
  1699.                 var container = $(this);
  1700.                 var items = container.find(options.item);
  1701.                 var slickInstance = null;
  1702.                 var slickOption = options.slickOption || {
  1703.                     dots: true,
  1704.                     infinite: true,
  1705.                     speed: 500,
  1706.                     fade: true,
  1707.                     cssEase: 'linear'
  1708.                 };
  1709.                 // init slick carousel if more than 2 items
  1710.                 if (items.length >= 2) {
  1711.                     slickInstance = container.slick(slickOption);
  1712.                 }
  1713.                 // init photoswipe
  1714.                 container
  1715.                 .attr('data-pswp-uid', i+1)
  1716.                 .on('click', options.item, function (e) {
  1717.                     e.preventDefault();
  1718.                     var slideItem = $(this); 
  1719.                     // var index = slideItem.index() - (slideItem.siblings('.slick-slide.slick-cloned').length / 2);
  1720.                     var index = slideItem[0].dataset.index
  1721.                     openPhotoSwipe(index, container);
  1722.                 });
  1723.                 function parseThumbnailElements(el) {
  1724.                     var data = [];
  1725.                     el.find(options.item + ':not(.slick-cloned)').each(function() {
  1726.                         var img = this;
  1727.                         data.push({
  1728.                             el: img,
  1729.                             src: img.src,
  1730.                             msrc: img.src,
  1731.                             w: img.naturalWidth,
  1732.                             h: img.naturalHeight
  1733.                         });
  1734.                     });
  1735.                     return data;
  1736.                 };
  1737.                 function openPhotoSwipe(index, $gallery) {
  1738.                     if (isNaN(parseInt(index, 10))) { return; }
  1739.                     var pswpElement = $('.pswp')[0];
  1740.                     var gallery;
  1741.                     var items = parseThumbnailElements($gallery);
  1742.                     // define options (if needed)
  1743.                     var options = {
  1744.                         galleryUID: $gallery.attr('data-pswp-uid'),
  1745.                         getThumbBoundsFn: function(index) {
  1746.                             // See Options->getThumbBoundsFn section of docs for more info
  1747.                             var thumbnail = items[index].el,
  1748.                                 pageYScroll = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop,
  1749.                                 rect = thumbnail.getBoundingClientRect();
  1750.                             return {
  1751.                                 x: rect.left,
  1752.                                 y: rect.top + pageYScroll,
  1753.                                 w: rect.width
  1754.                             };
  1755.                         }
  1756.                     };
  1757.                     options.index = parseInt(index, 10);
  1758.                     options.fullscreenEl = false;
  1759.                     // Pass data to PhotoSwipe and initialize it
  1760.                     gallery = new PhotoSwipe(pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, items, options);
  1761.                     gallery.listen('beforeChange', function() {
  1762.                         var slideItem = $(gallery.currItem.el);
  1763.                         var currentIndex = slideItem.index() - (slideItem.siblings('.slick-slide.slick-cloned').length / 2);
  1764.                         if (slickInstance) {
  1765.                             slickInstance.slick('slickGoTo', currentIndex);
  1766.                         }
  1767.                     });
  1768.                     gallery.init();
  1769.                 };
  1770.             });
  1771.         }
  1772. $('.koikes').hover(function() {
  1774.     const image = $( this ).parent().find( ".onover" )[0]
  1775. const config = {
  1776.   rootMargin: '0px 0px 0px 0px',
  1777.   threshold: [0, 0.25, 0.75, 1]
  1778. };
  1779. observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
  1780.   entries.forEach(entry => {
  1781.       console.log( entry.intersectionRatio )
  1782.     if (entry.intersectionRatio < 1) {
  1783.         let classlist = entry.target.classList
  1784.         if( classlist.contains('changehover') ){
  1785.        entry.target.classList.remove('changehover');
  1786.         }else{
  1787.        entry.target.classList.add('changehover');
  1788.         }
  1789.     } else {
  1790.         observer.unobserve(image);
  1791.     }
  1792.   });
  1793. }, config);
  1795.   observer.observe(image); 
  1796. });
  1797. function parseThumbnailinfoimg(el) {
  1798.                     var data = []; 
  1800.                         var img = el;
  1801.                         data.push({
  1802.                             el: img,
  1803.                             src: img.src,
  1804.                             msrc: img.src,
  1805.                             w: img.naturalWidth,
  1806.                             h: img.naturalHeight
  1807.                         }); 
  1808.                     return data;
  1809.                 };
  1810. function openinfoimgSwipes(item) {
  1811.     console.log(item)
  1812.     var gallery;
  1813.                     var items = parseThumbnailinfoimg(item);
  1814.     var options = {
  1815.                         galleryUID: $(item).attr('data-pswp-uid'),
  1816.                         getThumbBoundsFn: function(index) {
  1817.                             // See Options->getThumbBoundsFn section of docs for more info
  1818.                             var thumbnail = item,
  1819.                                 pageYScroll = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop,
  1820.                                 rect = thumbnail.getBoundingClientRect();
  1821.                             return {
  1822.                                 x: rect.left,
  1823.                                 y: rect.top + pageYScroll,
  1824.                                 w: rect.width
  1825.                             };
  1826.                         }
  1827.                     };
  1828.     options.fullscreenEl = false;
  1829.                     var pswpElement = $('.pswp')[0];
  1830. gallery = new PhotoSwipe(pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, items, options);
  1831.     gallery.init()
  1832. }
  1833. $(document).ready(function () {
  1834. //    MiseAJourPrix();
  1835. });
  1836. function calcttc(prix){
  1837. let prxttc = prix + (( prix * 20) / 100) 
  1838.     return prxttc
  1839. }
  1840. $('.faq-title').on('click', function () {
  1841.     let trg = $(this).attr('data-target')
  1842.     if( $( trg ).hasClass( "collapse" ) ){
  1843.         $( trg ).removeClass('collapse') 
  1844.     }else{
  1845.         $( trg ).addClass('collapse') 
  1846.     }
  1847. })
  1848.     </script>
  1849.          {{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }}
  1850.          {{ encore_entry_script_tags('formulaire') }}
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